Our additional services: why not ask about our C-I-S ?
We support individuals to avoid crisis situations, achieve greater stability and link into appropriate local services where needed. A daily drop-in service offering additional confidential support & guidance including referral service to ensure you get the appropriate support needed in a crisis situation.
Worrier to Warrior Workshops
Our worrier to warrior workshops are devised & adapted to suit each participant, the sessions are built around our person centred support if you are struggling with anxiety related issues or struggling with day to day aspects of life., various supporting activities provided on a weekly basis. Wednesday 1.00pm
The Branching Out Project
Bridge Community Centre provide a wide range of different well-being activities, education, and training. With opportunities such as volunteering, in-house ground training and employment support, we encourage participants to move forward in life.
All services are devised on a person-centred basis, where you can develop and adapt plans to the needs of the individual participant, to support their mental health and physical well-being and provide vocational skills opportunities. We aim to support our most vulnerable and reduce isolation among local families and communities. Our projects will work with individuals to identify their personal needs and develop individual tools to improve self-worth and empowerment. We work closely with individuals throughout their journey, as well as with other local organisations, to ensure individuals’ journey’s are successful, leading to a healthier, better existence, a positive mental attitude, and improved prospects in life.
Bereavement Journey
We offer a Bereavement & Support Journey workshop Every Monday at 10.15am This is your safe space to talk & just feel those feelings that are needed to help ease the pain of missing our loved ones. Sharing is Caring your welcome to drop in or call us on 0151 792 8711
Consider Donating So We Can Help Those Who Need It Most
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2 Daneville Road
L4 9RG
0151 792 8711